Woman Injured by Bison at Yellowknife But Fails to Take Personal Responsibility


And comments from readers:

RE: Fox News: Woman injured by bison at Yellowstone National Park on second day after reopening

Jim Beers

Jim Beers is a retired US Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Biologist, Special Agent, Refuge Manager, Wetlands Biologist, and Congressional Fellow. He was stationed in North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York City, and Washington DC.  He also served as a US Navy Line Officer in the western Pacific and on Adak, Alaska in the Aleutian Islands.  He has worked for the Utah Fish & Game, Minneapolis Police Department, and as a Security Supervisor in Washington, DC.  He testified three times before Congress; twice regarding the theft by the US Fish & Wildlife Service of $45 to 60 Million from State fish and wildlife funds and once in opposition to expanding Federal Invasive Species authority.  He resides in Eagan, Minnesota with his wife of many decades.


I would expect they (the buffalo) have become even more aggressive and unpredictable after some spring weeks having the place all to themselves and getting used to coming and going where the general public thinks their tax dollars entitle themselves to be. 

All in all just another symptom of the modern ignorance about wild animals being ignored on one hand (the tourist disregarded warnings) and on the other we are told to accept lies like, (“free-roaming buffalo herds we are introducing at various locations are perfectly compatible in settled rural landscapes and communities, perfectly safe for humans, and cost-free once they create – (the illusion of) - a ‘balanced’ ecosystem”).  “Balanced” in this case being an ever-changing concept as defined by the bureaucracy for a bevy of hidden agendas. This is but one example of what the irrational and self-serving  bureaucrats and politicians actually foist on us in order to get more emoluments, votes and fame - and that the mostly-urban public gladly and blindly accepts to please family members, the teachers they had in grade school and to assuage the vague emotions of guilt they feel for creating a technology world at the expense of a “natural world’ that they fantasize.

It is the sort of thing that I believe must be addressed head-on but the traits that served me well as a law officer have not proven as useful as a soldier fighting to defend rural communities and people in this war duplicitously called “ecosystem management”.  It is not a confrontation based on “science”.  It is the same confrontation men have faced for centuries: the confrontation about who will rule and what our laws, rights and values will be.  

The federal bureaucrats feeding this political drivel that now run our “conservation/ecosystem advocacy” bureaucracies were slipped in based on lies (“We never stole millions from state wildlife funds to catch and release wolves despite Congressional refusal to authorize it” and “”I hunt and fish and support wildlife management from trapping and habitat management like logging and grazing to predator control” and the biggest of all “I support property rights, the 2nd Amendment and the welfare of Rural America and Americans”.) 

I am reminded of something my grandmother told me as that wee boy she cared for during WW II, “You can watch a thief, but you can’t a liar”.  Boy was she right.”

Ken Sumanik, retired biologist who worked in the field all over B.C.:

May 23, 2020

“Deceit, delusion, derangement...any one or all of these conditions apply in explaining the events you have described so well, but unfortuntely are not abating as quickly as they should. It is more than ironic that we are huddled and isolating oursleves from a pathogen hoping that a vaccine is developed before more of us are subjected to the horrors of population self-regulation, a notion that is readily acceptable by anti-vaxers. They compare with ecosystem restorationists who insist that predation on wild and domestic ungulates must prevail to allow both prey and predators, wolves, cougars, bears and coyotes, to regulate their populations. This "Balance of Nature" is an ideal, and like any dream, is unattainable. The sooner predators and viruses are controlled the better off we will all be.”