We conserve wildlife through land acquisition and winter feeding.
KWHF is a non-profit, charitable society that depends almost entirely on volunteers. We raise money to acquire good wildlife land and for the purchase of high-quality hay to feed starving animals during winter.
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What Some Wildlife Biologists Say About Feeding
“The winter feeding of wildlife in the Kootenays is a superlative idea, based as it is on rescuing highly depleted elk populations.”
[Dr Val Geist PhD, Oct 23, 2019]
“Nothing could be better now than winter feeding, as it an emergency measure – not comparable to the elk feeding in Jackson Hole. The Kootenay situation offers an opportunity to boost the condition of pregnant females, especially since a bad winter is anticipated. It also offers them an opportunity to protect them from predation…”.
[Dr Val Geist, PhD, Oct 23, 2019]
“Feeding will not exacerbate CWD and is continued in areas where CWD exists. There is no known cure for CWD and until one is made, arresting it is an illusion. The deer head-collecting program attempted by the Ministry is virtue signalling.”
[Ken Sumanik, RPBio, Oct 23, 2019]
“Denying the emergency winter feeding of elk now is equivalent of elk destruction. Elk were extinct by 1916 in Alberta (they were restored by human hand). The existence of wildlife depends strictly on our good will - and nothing else! An emergency winter feeding, competently carried out as has been the past case in the Kootenays, is essential to elk survival as never before.”
[Dr Val Geist, PhD, Oct 23, 2019]
“Feeding is not controversial; it is an essential population maintenance practice that has been in use for centuries in Europe and almost a century here in North America's western states.”
[Ken Sumanik, RPBio, Oct 23, 2019]